Choose The Right Fire Suppression System For Your Commercial Kitchen

Travis Jolliff

Fires are more likely to occur in a restaurant’s commercial kitchen than nearly any other kind of business. Fires can break out for a variety of reasons, but regardless of why a fire starts out, what is important is suppressing the fire as quickly as possible. Water typically is not an option, as grease fires spread with the inclusion of water, while  chemical fire extinguishers may ruin all of the food and produce inside of the kitchen unnecessarily. Restaurant fire suppression systems offer a unique way of putting out a fire quickly and efficiently. If you are interested in the restaurant business and want to know how best to protect your financial investment, let Jay L Harman Fire Equipment help you choose the best restaurant fire suppression system for your commercial kitchen.

A commercial kitchen fire suppression system is your first line of defense

According to the National Restaurant Association, 57% of all restaurant fires involve cooking equipment. This means the fire can be contained if you have a suppression system installed. Therefore, a fire suppression system instantly becomes your first line of defense.

The basics of commercial kitchen fire suppression systems

Different brands of fire suppression systems provide slightly different features. Typically, a fire suppression system connects to both the hood over your cooking station and  the gas line running through the cooking station. If the fire suppression system is tripped, the gas line automatically shuts off. This kills the fuel source of the fire. Due to the possibility that a fire such as grease fire may continue to burn and potentially spread, there is a secondary element to the system, designed to put out the remaining flames..

Fire suppression systems for commercial kitchens are easy to use

Commercial kitchen fire suppression systems are generally easy to use. Much like the sprinkler system running through professional buildings, the suppression kicks on when it detects flames and growing heat. Once tripped, the two-prong approach kicks in quickly to kill the fuel source while dousing the flames. This keeps potential financial loss to a minimum, with only the food on the cooking surface destroyed.

When is a commercial kitchen fire suppression system necessary?

Not all restaurants have a fire suppression system. In any commercial kitchen, a fire suppression system is a valuable safety precaution. Whether the commercial kitchen is in a football stadium or a fast food restaurant and everywhere in between, kitchen fires can quickly burn out of control. Having a fire suppression system in place that kills the fire without shutting down the kitchen allows staff members to clean up and get back to work, without customers ever knowing of the situation in the kitchen.

Finding the Right Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems come in many different size variants. Such a system is usually installed into the current hood of a kitchen. This gives the installation service providers the ability to adjust the size of the system and the amount of liquid fire suppressant readily available. While no two restaurants are exactly alike, most commercial kitchens share similar traits, so having this kind of setup installed is not difficult and can be customized to fit the restaurant’s needs.

Contact Jay L Harman Fire Equipment Company today to learn more about inspection procedures and keeping your kitchen safe.

The Jay L Harman Fire Equipment team understands your fire fighting needs including fire suppression systems, fire extinguishers and cylinder re-qualification

Jay L Harman Fire Equipment Company is your local AMEREX dealer offering the full range of AMEREX Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Protection systems, Vehicle Systems, Automatic Gas Detection and Industrial Systems.

Jay L Harman’s DOT Hydrostatic Testing facility and equipment meet all NFPA requirements for the hydrostatic testing of self contained breathing apparatus compressed gas cylinders in addition to testing ABC portable fire extinguisher cylinders.

Jay L Harman is the best and one of the biggest firefighting equipment suppliers and service providers in the region, specializing in fire suppression systems, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, fire hoses, hydrostatic testing and more. Serving El Paso TX, Las Cruces NM and the surrounding areas, we pride ourselves on buying local and hiring local whenever possible.

Jay L Harman Fire Equipment is your go-to distributor for OVAL low-profile fire extinguishers in West Texas and New Mexico.

Contact Jay L. Harman Fire Equipment in El Paso TX at 915-533-7021 or Las Cruces NM at 575-523-8880.

Since 1925, we have protected businesses throughout the area from the harms and hazards of fires. Every Jay L Harman technician is licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Insurance State Fire Marshal’s Office.  Each of these technicians continually receives the most up-to-date factory training and certifications by our manufacturers. Contact Jay L Harman Fire Equipment today. Let our friendly and knowledgeable staff tell you more about our fire suppression systems and help you find the ideal fire suppression system for your needs. Learn more about our full offering of fire extinguisher training, firefighting services, firefighting products, request a quote, ask a question or request additional information.